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  • Writer's pictureAlexia Baldacchino

Let's Celebrate - eTwinning Day

Dear eTwinners

Let’s Celebrate 9th May – eTwinning Day eTwinning Day will take place on 9 May 2018. All schools are invited to celebrate this day with any activity which can be visible and shared by documenting, recording and posting online through the following hashtags: #etwinningday & #etwinning or our social media (facebook, Instagram u twitter) - etwinningmalta

Schools who would like to have their activity/photo of eTwinning Day visible on our eTwinning website and Facebook page are to send an email to: Some ideas for your activities: Cultural Heritage, this year's annual theme, can be adapted in anyway as part of the activities. Photos with students/teachers holding eTwinning logo (anything can do printed posters, handmade posters, bags, notebooks etc) Singing Kahoot, treasure hunts Be simple and creative! Have a fun eTwinning day!

Rose-anne Camilleri eTwinning Coordinator

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