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  • Writer's pictureAlexia Baldacchino

Applying for the eTwinning Quality Label 2018-19

Teachers who have participated in eTwinning projects during the scholastic year 2018 -2019 are invited to apply for the eTwinning National Quality Label.

Prospective applicants are kindly asked to take note of the following:

Before applying for the Quality Label

• Organise your project TwinSpace: please make sure that all the project resources/activities are uploaded and/or well documented on your project TwinSpace. Kindly ensure that your projects are either concluded or in their final stages.

How to apply for the Quality Label

• Go to the ‘Projects’ tab and click on the ‘Apply for Quality Label’ link which can be found under your respective project description. Fill in all the details requested and submit your application, listing all external links as well as your TwinSpace (More detailed instructions attached). It is very important to note that ALL members of the project need to submit their application and not only the project administrators, as the system will only award educators who submit their application. Participants with projects awarded the Quality Label will be able to download their certificate from the eTwinning Portal by accessing the Projects section. The best projects will then be eligible for the eTwinning National Awards during the EMBED ceremony early next scholastic year (More detailed instructions attached).

Evaluation Criteria:

• Pedagogical Innovation and Creativity – presenting significant indications that the project displays an innovative approach;

• Curricular Integration – evidence that the project is integrated into the national curriculum framework;

• Communication and exchange between partner schools – showing clearly how you organised communication and which tools were used. t + 356 2598 1564/5 e |

• Collaboration between partner schools – highlighting aspects that clearly show that the project was planned between partner teachers; indicating role of partners in the project; and the level of collaboration achieved between students in the project;

• Creative use of ICT – indicating the tools and devices that were used to make the project creative;

• Results and Benefits – illustrating the outcomes of the project and specifying the benefits gained by participants and their respective schools.

Preference will be given to projects using the eTwinning tools provided on the TwinSpace. If other websites or blogs are used, they need to be linked and accessible through the Project's TwinSpace. Any additional resources created using online tools such as Padlet, Voki, Mixbook, Smilebox, YouTube, Prezi etc… should be uploaded on the TwinSpace or a clear link is given.

All educators who wish to submit their project/s in the eTwinning National Awards are to apply for the Quality Label by Friday 5th July 2019. Projects will then be assessed during the Summer holidays. You will be notified by the system if your project has been awarded the quality label by the beginning of September 2019.

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